Lekcija 9: Srpska hrana u svetu

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Kao što je Momo Kapor spomenuo, našim ljudima u svetu (kojih po nekim procenama ima skoro jednako kao i u domovini) često fale domaći proizvodi i zbog toga traže svaku priliku da ih naprave ili kupe. U sledećem videu možeš da pogledaš reportažu iz Čikaga o prodavnici srpskih proizvoda u […]

Lekcija 8: Vegetarijanstvo i veganstvo u Srbiji

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Balkan je poznat po ljudima koji rado jedu meso. Meso za doručak, za ručak, za večeru. Svaki dan. Zbog toga dosta ljudi veruje da je neverovatno teško, možda i nemoguće biti vegetarijanac ili vegan kod nas. Ali, situacija se polako menja. Iz godine u godinu, svest ljudi o štetnosti preterane […]

Lekcija 1: Gastro kultura Srbije – Soulfood Serbia

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Pa da počnemo!  Turistička organizacija Srbije je napravila promo video o srpskoj gastronomiji, koji možeš da pogledaš na ovom linku: https://youtu.be/Me-1Dn4C4Vo Transkript videa: Srbiju ćemo najbolje upoznati za trpezom. Kroz priču o mestima, ljudima i običajima, najbolji vodič biće nam naše čulo ukusa. Preporuka je, pre svega, da se udobno […]

Lekcija 14: Muzički kutak

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Prevedi sledeću pesmu na srpski: https://youtu.be/dBN86y30Ufc Prevedi sledeću pesmu sa srpskog na svoj jezik: https://youtu.be/Il2vGyPIudk Preuzmi zadatak Ukoliko si i dalje inspirisan da prevodiš pesme, preporučujem ti da prevedeš: Dr. Seuss „Oh, the places you’ll go!“ Miroslav Mika Antić „Neverovatna morska pesma“ Tvoju omiljenu pesmu o putovanjima 😉

Lekcija 12: Digitalni nomadi

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Srbija u poslednje vreme postaje mesto koje sve više privlači pažnju digitalnih nomada. Kakva je trenutna situacija što se tiče boravka i rada digitalnih nomada, možeš da pogledaš u sledećem videu: https://youtu.be/jpik0bl0jOc Preuzmi zadatak Transkript videa: Za Breda Beketa, 36-ogodišnjeg inženjera iz San Dijega, Beogad je postao idealno mesto za […]

Lekcija 10b: Putovanja u Jugoslaviji

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Ako se vratimo još malo u prošlost, dolazimo u zlatno doba putovanja. Tada smo živeli u zemlji južnih Slovena iliti Jugoslaviji i bili smo vrlo otvoreni ka svetu. Jugoslovenski crveni pasoš je važio za jedan od jačih i njime smo mogli da posetimo brojne zemlje. Sa druge strane, Jugoslavija je […]

Lekcija 9a: Gde putuju Srbi?

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Sigurno te zanima i gde Srbi često putuju na odmor. Naši ljudi možda najviše vole da putuju u Grčku. Toliko putujemo u Grčku da su neke priče sa putovanja postale opšta mesta, kao što možeš da poslušaš u ovom videu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKdfBHgXNgw&t=2s Transkrpt videa: Opšte mesto 1. epizoda: U Grčku  Trebalo […]

Lekcija 15: Muzički kutak

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> Prevedi ovu pesmu na srpski: https://youtu.be/GugsCdLHm-Q Prevedi ovu pesmu na svoj jezik: https://youtu.be/TZ2vkDxedo4 Preuzmi zadatak

Lekcija 14: Video materijali

Switch to Cyrillic alphabet >>> U sledećem delu se fokusiramo na slušanje. Čućeš i videćeš zanimljive informacije o biciklu Poni, koji je bio biciklistički simbol Jugoslavije, a koji u novije vreme doživljava preporod. Saznaj više o istoriji Ponija u sledećem videu: https://youtu.be/BngxyVu2TcY Transkript:  28. oktobar 2017. Tarik je vlasnik bicikla Poni još i 1975. godine. […]

Serbian for foodies

Serbian for foodies is a part of the Serbian in context series of self-study materials.

Serbian for foodies covers the topic of food while offering you possibilities to practice your Serbian. If you like anything or everything connected to food, from eating new foods, cooking, finding out new recipes and places to eat, enjoy drinks with friends, these materials are for you. Here you will:

  • learn the vocabulary connected to food, table manners, recipes
  • find out more about the food and drinks in Serbia
  • get familiar with how much Serbs eat, what and where they like to eat
  • get some useful tips and different recommendation about places to eat in Serbia

Different exercises focus on helping you improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Two main goals are getting familiar with the opinions of local people about food and expressing your own attitudes and opinions connected to food, both in writing and orally.

Serbian for travelers

Serbian for travelers is a part of the Serbian in context series of self-study materials.

Serbian for travelers covers the topic of traveling while offering you possibilities to practice your Serbian. If you like anything or everything connected to traveling, from planning your trip, exploring new places, listening or reading about interesting ways to travel and explore the world, these materials are for you. Here you will:

  • learn the vocabulary connected to traveling, planning a trip and packing
  • find out more about the traveling situation in Serbia
  • get familiar with how Serbs travel and where they like to travel to
  • get some useful tips and different routes that you can explore on your own

Different exercises focus on helping you improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Two main goals are getting familiar with the opinions of local people about traveling and expressing your own attitudes and opinions connected to traveling, both in writing and orally.

Serbian for cyclists

Serbian for cyclists is a part of the series Serbian in context learning materials.

Serbian for cyclists covers the topic of cycling while offering you possibilities to practice your Serbian. If you like anything or everything connected to cycling, from planning your bike trip, buying a new bike, listening or reading about interesting cycling activities and events, these materials are for you. While using these materials, you will:

  • learn the vocabulary connected to cycling
  • find out more about the cycling situation in Serbia
  • get familiar with what Serbs think about cycling
  • find out what is the current cycling situation in Serbia (and ex-Yugoslavia)
  • get some useful tips and different routes that you can explore on your own (bike)

Different exercises focus on helping you improve your reading, writing, listening and speaking skills. Two main goals are getting familiar with the opinions of local people about cycling and expressing your own attitudes and opinions connected to cycling, both in writing and orally.